
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Using houseplants for better health

I’ve enjoyed taking care of houseplants for many, many years.  Even as a small girl, I used to find joy in nurturing my mother’s plants.  I never stopped to think that this might be beneficial in ways other than the obvious – giving me a hobby and teaching me a little bit about the responsibility of taking care of something other than myself.  It turns out that there are actually quite a few benefits that we can garner from keeping a variety of houseplants.  If we keep them happy and healthy, they can do the same for us!  It seems that a lot of research has already gone into the subject, so once again, instead of retyping all of the information out there, I’ll provide you with a couple of links that I found particularly interesting.

The following article gives a lengthy list of benefits:

If you scroll down on this article you’ll find a list of common plants, what their particular benefits are, and where they are best used.  Let me note that the whole article is worth reading.

This is in no way a complete list of the information out there on the subject, but I hope that it has piqued your interest enough to do a little digging on your own. 

Happy Gardening!

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