
Saturday, December 17, 2011

More on Growing Herbs Indoors - Quick Tips

If you've been meaning to plant some herb pots to keep indoors, then choose larger, deep pots if space permits.  12" deep pots with a nice wide diameter are my favorite.  Avoid pots with a narrow diameter, as these will dry out quicker.  The increased amount of soil in deep pots allow for better moisture retention and give the roots more space to spread out in, so they're more forgiving of you forgetting to water them (I say when, not if).
If you only have a small space for plant pots, then remember that you can combine several herbs into one.  I've seen parsley, thyme, and basil sharing space happily in the same container.
Parsley, basil, and chia are pretty tough customers.  They make good starter plants for people who are new to growing herbs.  Yes, I said chia.  They're not just good for a laugh.  Chia is an easy-growing, super nutritious food source.  Use them just as you would sprouts:  as an additive to salads, sprinkled over burgers, baked potatoes, and anything else that you would top with sprouts.
Most of all, don't give up.  Even if you've killed lots of cute little herb pots in the past, don't believe that you can't do it.  Each failure brings us lessons that eventually lead to success.  Remember that you can always bring your questions here!

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